Bookish Boudoir Party
As many people know, I belong to Spicy Book Club. Every month we get together and have a book that we read together, always romance of varying tropes and topics. It has been such a liberating experience, as well as an opportunity to make sure we see each other at least once a month. Explore our sexuality a bit more, and laugh along the way. Making themed drinks and food to correlate with each book too. So, when the time came to schedule a Boudoir Party, it was the perfect opportunity to highlight a theme brought to life. So let's walk through how we did just that.
Step 1: The vibe
When putting together a Boudoir Party, I like to start with the group vibe first. For this one, with a group of women as close as this, and the nature of book club, the theme came naturally. SLUMBER PARTY. From there, it was deciding, as a group how we would style the photoshoot. So, we started with a group chat on Facebook Messenger. With all of the girls, as well as the Speak To Me Squad whose services had been secured by some (not all as it is an optional add-on), we initiated a conversation on how they wanted to look.
The first decision to be made after the vibe, is did they want to match, or each have their own look. After several polls, the group determined that they wanted to all wear satin pajama sets, but not match exactly, and have different colors. They shared photos of sets they were thinking about purchasing, and commented on each others looks, with myself providing some thoughts in between. Ultimately, they had their lists of things.
Next, we decided on the props and worked from a vision board, everyone agreeing to what to bring, and what they needed, and what they didn't. In the end, deciding that satin face masks were great, but slippers were unnecessary. Champagne and cupcakes were absolutely necessary, throw blankets, and books specific to book club. And naturally, we needed a pillow fight.
Step 2: Individual looks
Then, it was time to meet with each individual woman and determine what the looks will be. What specifically spoke to each one of them. Deriving from the book and slumber party vibe, 4 unique looks were born that took shape.
Vision boards, and communication with me regarding colors, details and what they were going to wear, it just came alive naturally.
Step 3: A few days ahead of photoshoot
In the week leading up to the photoshoot, the group is kept abreast of all updates. A schedule is created by me to best ensure that the day keeps moving as efficiently as possible. This process takes into consideration who is getting hair and makeup done, as well as the nuances that came with doing a photoshoot outside, and having several moving pieces.
In this case, 2 of the 4 women were getting hair and makeup services, so when putting together the schedule, it was obvious that these 2 would not be ready to shoot for a while. 45 minutes blocks were allocated to each service and photoshoot. The other 2 women were coming ready, so they would be the first to shoot. After the other 2 were ready, we would do the group photoshoot. The heat was INTENSE on this day, so before their makeup melted and hair fell, we planned for the group shoot, to be followed by the other 2 photoshoots. Adjustments can be made during the day, but this gives the women time, understanding and some assurances of how the day will flow and what to expect at each step.
Step 4: Day of the photoshoot
When everyone arrived at the photoshoot location, the champagne popped, mimosas made, the schedule was reviewed after toasts and the day started. Each specific set had been set up ahead of time, seeing as there were so many moving parts. 2 of the women say in Kasi and Leah's chairs to start hair and makeup, while I went outside to do the first photoshoot of the day.
Photoshoot #1: Arista

This vibe was essentially Pastel Woodland Book Fairy. With a tree adorned with different colored pastel tulle and fresh flowers hanging from fishing line and a white comforter underneath. Our girl Arista wearing a beautiful pastel blue 2 piece set, she has a dance background and each of her poses emphasized that fact. Choosing books that also went with the chosen color palette, it all came together so beautifully. Even though she was in a book after breaking her ankle and was hopping around between sets. Strength and dedication right there.

Photoshoot #2: Sami

Something we knew we wanted to highlight in this party? Our new outdoor tub. Yes, we purchased a bath tub on Facebook Marketplace and transported it to Kasi's house for photoshoots in her expansive yard. So, knowing Sami very much enjoys all the spooky things in life, like us, we decided to play off of that and create an alter of sorts for her. Adorned with tulle in a tree, skulls, candles and a fall floral arrangement. It was everything to still pay homage to our spooky roots. She brought some props like bottles and bones which only further solidified the alter feels of the look.

Photoshoot #3: Group Sam

Sometimes things don't go according to plan and we roll with the punches. I started getting nervous, as thunder had begun rumbling in the background, and our incredible assistant Colette had just finished putting together the next outdoor set, which involved adding some books from my personal collection hanging from fishing line to the tree we had used for Arista's photoshoot. So, we made the decision to cover each book with garbage bags just in case the threatening rain did come.
Then, once they were as secure as we could get them, we realized hair and makeup were a little behind. So, we made the executive decision to start another individual photoshoot to ensure we finished on time.
For Sam, we had curated a specific look based upon one of her past pole performances. A little country, intensely sexy look incorporating boots, denim and lingerie. Another very special aspect of this photoshoot specifically was that this was her first photoshoot period. Utilizing poses that emphasized her incredible flexibility, and aspects of herself that she loved, and even highlighting some she underestimated about herself. A moment I know I will never forget, was a moment when she made a comment about not really having a butt, and I put her in a pose that very much showed the contrary. Sometimes you don't know until you know, and I love being the one to reveal that to people.

Photoshoot #4: Group

This one was so exciting. Group shoots are always so dynamic because there are so many body parts and little details to keep track of and be mindful of. For a group shoot I like to utilize flow posing, and slowing integrating people and props throughout the make it more natural. For this one, we started with Arista on the couch, adding in Sam walking towards her then sitting next to her, Sami coming in to sit next to them to toast, Liz coming in from the hall, and naturally they wanted to pour champagne into her mouth and we let it happen. We did a toast, then started integrating the books. Each book being a book from book club, and everyone chose a book that played off of their outfit. We then laid everyone around and on each other, taking photos. Then I asked them to start reading from the books, and the laughter you see is natural from those caught moments. We then decided to go into the pillow fight, accomplished through putting feathers in a pillow case so it exploded upon impact. Finally doing some group posed reading looks. It was so natural, I don't think we ever stopped laughing, and because of the dynamic of the group, very little coaching actually had to happen.

Last but not least, Photoshoot #5: Liz

So as I've mentioned, it was so hot on this day. After getting a slight break in the air conditioning for the group shoot, sweaty still despite this fact, went back outside for our final photoshoot. This one, we wanted to be the ultimate book lovers dream. Books hanging as if they are floating from a tree, fresh flowers and tulle also in the tree. Liz brought her glasses and her favorite books as well. We had the best time as I moved around the tree and made sure different books were in frame, she naturally grabbed different things, we emphasized certain books, and she was such a natural. It was the perfect way to end the day.

Step #5: Sneak peaks
Getting 5 photoshoots edited and ready for the reveal takes some time obviously. So in the time it took to get everything prepared for the established reveal date, I was able to send several sneak peaks, for each photoshoot. Sent through the messenger group chat, where everyone is able to comment and communicate about the experience further.
Step #6: The reveal
On July 27, 2024 it was reveal time. At our monthly book club meeting it was time to share with the women, as well as the larger group. As we walked through each photoshoot, the group first and then the individual ones in order, there was a lot of yelling, hugs, slapping of each others legs and hype for one another. It will never get old seeing everyone's face light up with each photo shared.