Why is writing a review such a big deal?
There are a few reasons for this. I know it can be annoying all the emails post-photoshoot, I wish I could put everything in 1 but I am working on it. However, there are many reasons why I ask for feedback and Google reviews specifically post photoshoot.
At Speak To Me Photography we focus on empowering women and building confidence through embracing your body and connecting/reconnecting to it through our lens. This strong conviction and dedication to our vision can at times limit the ways in which we market and extend ourselves into different markets. It helps that I have a day job, but one day I hope to do this full time. But knowing how it feels to not have a strong connection to my body and appreciation for what it does and looks, it doesn't matter as long as I get to continue to work with amazing women who need the same thing, and needs a safe space to do so.
I have been asked on several occasions why I don't do certain things, and maybe it's my own naivety, but I am so proud of what we do. When I see women become emotional looking at their photos, or when they view their album for the first time. It is what makes my heart happy, and it's what I want to do for the rest of my life to be honest. Even more so then counseling, because I feel like Boudoir is the perfect marriage between all my worlds.
So again, why are reviews so important??
I went off on a tangent again didn't I? Refocusing, the feedback we get through the experience questionnaires have been so helpful in reassuring prospective clients that they are in good hands. That the experience we have curated does what it intends to. To provide a safe space for women to explore themselves and they bodies, and be able to see themselves in a different way. Being able to have feedback also allows me to make changes where necessary to make sure we are doing everything we can to provide the most inclusive and luxurious experience we can.
Google Reviews specifically are how we truly grow. Currently, Google takes reviews highly into account when recommending a business to others. Engagement is huge in making sure we are recommended to people who are looking for our services. There are so many small businesses who miss out on opportunities not because they aren't amazing, but because their algorithm isn't on their side. Being a Boudoir Photographer, getting blocked on social media is a constant occurrence. Even with photos that aren't explicit in any capacity, there is always something that makes us unable to be recommended to people who aren't following us.
It's frustrating, so making sure that we can provide actual feedback and reactions from those who have met with and worked with us, is essential. Not only does it let people know the work we do, it helps the algorithm to recommend us despite the spicy nature of the photos we take. I am beyond proud of the work we do with each of our clients, and want to continue to be able to do it, that does mean we need to let people know what you guys think about your Boudoir Experience.
Okay fineeee
Now that you know, if you haven't already if you could please leave a google review that would be amazing. In the mean time, lemme share some of the photos that currently have us shadow banned on Instagram.